
Simple prompt dialog for local "app" renderer based in Pygame GUI.

Uses MIT licensed code from



  1"""Simple prompt dialog for local "app" renderer based in Pygame GUI.
  3Uses MIT licensed code from
  6    BSD
  9import warnings
 10import typing
 12import pygame  # type: ignore
 13import pygame_gui.core  # type: ignore
 14import pygame_gui.core.interfaces  # type: ignore
 15import pygame_gui.elements  # type: ignore
 16import pygame_gui._constants  # type: ignore
 19class PygameGuiPrompt(pygame_gui.elements.UIWindow):
 20    """A prompt dialog for Pygame GUI.
 22    Simple dialog box which asks the user to confirm (offers a cancel option) with the option for
 23    the user to enter in text.
 24    """
 26    def __init__(self, rect: pygame.Rect, action_long_desc: str,
 27        manager=None, window_title: str = 'Prompt', action_short_name: str = 'pygame-gui.OK',
 28        blocking: bool = True, object_id=None, visible: int = 1,
 29        action_long_desc_text_kwargs: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, str]] = None):
 30        """Create a new prompt dialog.
 32        Args:
 33            rect: The location and bounds of the dialog.
 34            action_long_desc: Long string name description of the action the user is taking.
 35            manager: The manager in which to register this dialog.
 36            window_title: The title to display at the top of the dialog.
 37            action_short_name: Short name description of the action the user is taking in the UI.
 38            blocking: Flag indicating if the dialog should be blocking other UI interactions.
 39            object_id: The Pygame GUI ID to assign to the prompt.
 40            visible: Flag indicating if the prompt should start off being visible.
 41            action_long_desc_text_kwargs: Localization and long description strings.
 42        """
 44        if object_id is None:
 45            object_id = pygame_gui.core.ObjectID('#prompt_dialog', None)  # type: ignore
 47        super().__init__(
 48            rect,
 49            manager,
 50            window_display_title=window_title,
 51            element_id='prompt_dialog',
 52            object_id=object_id,
 53            resizable=True,
 54            visible=visible
 55        )
 57        minimum_dimensions = (260, 200)
 58        if rect.width < minimum_dimensions[0] or rect.height < minimum_dimensions[1]:
 59            warn_string = ' '.join([
 60                'Initial size:',
 61                str(rect.size),
 62                'is less than minimum dimensions:',
 63                str(minimum_dimensions)
 64            ])
 65            warnings.warn(warn_string, UserWarning)
 66        self.set_minimum_dimensions(minimum_dimensions)
 68        self._cancel_button = pygame_gui.elements.UIButton(
 69            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(-10, -40, -1, 30),
 70            text='pygame-gui.Cancel',
 71            manager=self.ui_manager,
 72            container=self,
 73            object_id='#cancel_button',
 74            anchors={
 75                'left': 'right',
 76                'right': 'right',
 77                'top': 'bottom',
 78                'bottom': 'bottom'
 79            }
 80        )
 82        self._confirm_button = pygame_gui.elements.UIButton(
 83            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(-10, -40, -1, 30),
 84            text=action_short_name,
 85            manager=self.ui_manager,
 86            container=self,
 87            object_id='#confirm_button',
 88            anchors={
 89                'left': 'right',
 90                'right': 'right',
 91                'top': 'bottom',
 92                'bottom': 'bottom',
 93                'left_target': self._cancel_button,
 94                'right_target': self._cancel_button
 95            }
 96        )
 98        text_width = self.get_container().get_size()[0] - 10
 99        text_height = (self.get_container().get_size()[1] - 50) / 2 - 5
100        self._prompt_text = pygame_gui.elements.UILabel(
101            text=action_long_desc,
102            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(5, 5, text_width, text_height),
103            manager=self.ui_manager,
104            container=self,
105            anchors={
106                'left': 'left',
107                'right': 'right',
108                'top': 'top',
109                'bottom': 'bottom'
110            },
111            text_kwargs=action_long_desc_text_kwargs
112        )
114        self._input_box = pygame_gui.elements.UITextEntryBox(
115            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(5, 5 + text_height + 5, text_width, text_height),
116            manager=self.ui_manager,
117            container=self,
118            anchors={
119                'left': 'left',
120                'right': 'right',
121                'top': 'top',
122                'bottom': 'bottom'
123            }
124        )
126        self._final_text: typing.Optional[str] = None
128        self.set_blocking(blocking)
130    def get_text(self) -> str:
131        if self._final_text:
132            return self._final_text
133        else:
134            return self._input_box.get_text()
136    def process_event(self, event: pygame.event.Event) -> bool:
137        """Process dialog events.
139        Args:
140            event: The event to process.
141        """
142        consumed_event = super().process_event(event)
144        button_pressed = event.type == pygame_gui._constants.UI_BUTTON_PRESSED
145        if button_pressed:
146            is_cancel = event.ui_element == self._cancel_button
147            is_confirm = event.ui_element == self._confirm_button
148        else:
149            is_cancel = False
150            is_confirm = False
152        if button_pressed and is_cancel:
153            self._final_text = ''
154            self.kill()
156        if button_pressed and is_confirm:
157            # old event - to be removed in 0.8.0
158            event_data = {
159                'user_type': pygame_gui._constants.OldType(
160                    pygame_gui._constants.UI_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG_CONFIRMED
161                ),
162                'ui_element': self,
163                'ui_object_id': self.most_specific_combined_id
164            }
165  , event_data))
166            # new event
167            event_data = {
168                'ui_element': self,
169                'ui_object_id': self.most_specific_combined_id
170            }
172                pygame_gui._constants.UI_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG_CONFIRMED,
173                event_data
174            ))
175            self._final_text = self._input_box.get_text()
176            self.kill()
178        return consumed_event
class PygameGuiPrompt(pygame_gui.elements.ui_window.UIWindow):
 20class PygameGuiPrompt(pygame_gui.elements.UIWindow):
 21    """A prompt dialog for Pygame GUI.
 23    Simple dialog box which asks the user to confirm (offers a cancel option) with the option for
 24    the user to enter in text.
 25    """
 27    def __init__(self, rect: pygame.Rect, action_long_desc: str,
 28        manager=None, window_title: str = 'Prompt', action_short_name: str = 'pygame-gui.OK',
 29        blocking: bool = True, object_id=None, visible: int = 1,
 30        action_long_desc_text_kwargs: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, str]] = None):
 31        """Create a new prompt dialog.
 33        Args:
 34            rect: The location and bounds of the dialog.
 35            action_long_desc: Long string name description of the action the user is taking.
 36            manager: The manager in which to register this dialog.
 37            window_title: The title to display at the top of the dialog.
 38            action_short_name: Short name description of the action the user is taking in the UI.
 39            blocking: Flag indicating if the dialog should be blocking other UI interactions.
 40            object_id: The Pygame GUI ID to assign to the prompt.
 41            visible: Flag indicating if the prompt should start off being visible.
 42            action_long_desc_text_kwargs: Localization and long description strings.
 43        """
 45        if object_id is None:
 46            object_id = pygame_gui.core.ObjectID('#prompt_dialog', None)  # type: ignore
 48        super().__init__(
 49            rect,
 50            manager,
 51            window_display_title=window_title,
 52            element_id='prompt_dialog',
 53            object_id=object_id,
 54            resizable=True,
 55            visible=visible
 56        )
 58        minimum_dimensions = (260, 200)
 59        if rect.width < minimum_dimensions[0] or rect.height < minimum_dimensions[1]:
 60            warn_string = ' '.join([
 61                'Initial size:',
 62                str(rect.size),
 63                'is less than minimum dimensions:',
 64                str(minimum_dimensions)
 65            ])
 66            warnings.warn(warn_string, UserWarning)
 67        self.set_minimum_dimensions(minimum_dimensions)
 69        self._cancel_button = pygame_gui.elements.UIButton(
 70            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(-10, -40, -1, 30),
 71            text='pygame-gui.Cancel',
 72            manager=self.ui_manager,
 73            container=self,
 74            object_id='#cancel_button',
 75            anchors={
 76                'left': 'right',
 77                'right': 'right',
 78                'top': 'bottom',
 79                'bottom': 'bottom'
 80            }
 81        )
 83        self._confirm_button = pygame_gui.elements.UIButton(
 84            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(-10, -40, -1, 30),
 85            text=action_short_name,
 86            manager=self.ui_manager,
 87            container=self,
 88            object_id='#confirm_button',
 89            anchors={
 90                'left': 'right',
 91                'right': 'right',
 92                'top': 'bottom',
 93                'bottom': 'bottom',
 94                'left_target': self._cancel_button,
 95                'right_target': self._cancel_button
 96            }
 97        )
 99        text_width = self.get_container().get_size()[0] - 10
100        text_height = (self.get_container().get_size()[1] - 50) / 2 - 5
101        self._prompt_text = pygame_gui.elements.UILabel(
102            text=action_long_desc,
103            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(5, 5, text_width, text_height),
104            manager=self.ui_manager,
105            container=self,
106            anchors={
107                'left': 'left',
108                'right': 'right',
109                'top': 'top',
110                'bottom': 'bottom'
111            },
112            text_kwargs=action_long_desc_text_kwargs
113        )
115        self._input_box = pygame_gui.elements.UITextEntryBox(
116            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(5, 5 + text_height + 5, text_width, text_height),
117            manager=self.ui_manager,
118            container=self,
119            anchors={
120                'left': 'left',
121                'right': 'right',
122                'top': 'top',
123                'bottom': 'bottom'
124            }
125        )
127        self._final_text: typing.Optional[str] = None
129        self.set_blocking(blocking)
131    def get_text(self) -> str:
132        if self._final_text:
133            return self._final_text
134        else:
135            return self._input_box.get_text()
137    def process_event(self, event: pygame.event.Event) -> bool:
138        """Process dialog events.
140        Args:
141            event: The event to process.
142        """
143        consumed_event = super().process_event(event)
145        button_pressed = event.type == pygame_gui._constants.UI_BUTTON_PRESSED
146        if button_pressed:
147            is_cancel = event.ui_element == self._cancel_button
148            is_confirm = event.ui_element == self._confirm_button
149        else:
150            is_cancel = False
151            is_confirm = False
153        if button_pressed and is_cancel:
154            self._final_text = ''
155            self.kill()
157        if button_pressed and is_confirm:
158            # old event - to be removed in 0.8.0
159            event_data = {
160                'user_type': pygame_gui._constants.OldType(
161                    pygame_gui._constants.UI_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG_CONFIRMED
162                ),
163                'ui_element': self,
164                'ui_object_id': self.most_specific_combined_id
165            }
166  , event_data))
167            # new event
168            event_data = {
169                'ui_element': self,
170                'ui_object_id': self.most_specific_combined_id
171            }
173                pygame_gui._constants.UI_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG_CONFIRMED,
174                event_data
175            ))
176            self._final_text = self._input_box.get_text()
177            self.kill()
179        return consumed_event

A prompt dialog for Pygame GUI.

Simple dialog box which asks the user to confirm (offers a cancel option) with the option for the user to enter in text.

PygameGuiPrompt( rect: pygame.rect.Rect, action_long_desc: str, manager=None, window_title: str = 'Prompt', action_short_name: str = 'pygame-gui.OK', blocking: bool = True, object_id=None, visible: int = 1, action_long_desc_text_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None)
 27    def __init__(self, rect: pygame.Rect, action_long_desc: str,
 28        manager=None, window_title: str = 'Prompt', action_short_name: str = 'pygame-gui.OK',
 29        blocking: bool = True, object_id=None, visible: int = 1,
 30        action_long_desc_text_kwargs: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, str]] = None):
 31        """Create a new prompt dialog.
 33        Args:
 34            rect: The location and bounds of the dialog.
 35            action_long_desc: Long string name description of the action the user is taking.
 36            manager: The manager in which to register this dialog.
 37            window_title: The title to display at the top of the dialog.
 38            action_short_name: Short name description of the action the user is taking in the UI.
 39            blocking: Flag indicating if the dialog should be blocking other UI interactions.
 40            object_id: The Pygame GUI ID to assign to the prompt.
 41            visible: Flag indicating if the prompt should start off being visible.
 42            action_long_desc_text_kwargs: Localization and long description strings.
 43        """
 45        if object_id is None:
 46            object_id = pygame_gui.core.ObjectID('#prompt_dialog', None)  # type: ignore
 48        super().__init__(
 49            rect,
 50            manager,
 51            window_display_title=window_title,
 52            element_id='prompt_dialog',
 53            object_id=object_id,
 54            resizable=True,
 55            visible=visible
 56        )
 58        minimum_dimensions = (260, 200)
 59        if rect.width < minimum_dimensions[0] or rect.height < minimum_dimensions[1]:
 60            warn_string = ' '.join([
 61                'Initial size:',
 62                str(rect.size),
 63                'is less than minimum dimensions:',
 64                str(minimum_dimensions)
 65            ])
 66            warnings.warn(warn_string, UserWarning)
 67        self.set_minimum_dimensions(minimum_dimensions)
 69        self._cancel_button = pygame_gui.elements.UIButton(
 70            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(-10, -40, -1, 30),
 71            text='pygame-gui.Cancel',
 72            manager=self.ui_manager,
 73            container=self,
 74            object_id='#cancel_button',
 75            anchors={
 76                'left': 'right',
 77                'right': 'right',
 78                'top': 'bottom',
 79                'bottom': 'bottom'
 80            }
 81        )
 83        self._confirm_button = pygame_gui.elements.UIButton(
 84            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(-10, -40, -1, 30),
 85            text=action_short_name,
 86            manager=self.ui_manager,
 87            container=self,
 88            object_id='#confirm_button',
 89            anchors={
 90                'left': 'right',
 91                'right': 'right',
 92                'top': 'bottom',
 93                'bottom': 'bottom',
 94                'left_target': self._cancel_button,
 95                'right_target': self._cancel_button
 96            }
 97        )
 99        text_width = self.get_container().get_size()[0] - 10
100        text_height = (self.get_container().get_size()[1] - 50) / 2 - 5
101        self._prompt_text = pygame_gui.elements.UILabel(
102            text=action_long_desc,
103            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(5, 5, text_width, text_height),
104            manager=self.ui_manager,
105            container=self,
106            anchors={
107                'left': 'left',
108                'right': 'right',
109                'top': 'top',
110                'bottom': 'bottom'
111            },
112            text_kwargs=action_long_desc_text_kwargs
113        )
115        self._input_box = pygame_gui.elements.UITextEntryBox(
116            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(5, 5 + text_height + 5, text_width, text_height),
117            manager=self.ui_manager,
118            container=self,
119            anchors={
120                'left': 'left',
121                'right': 'right',
122                'top': 'top',
123                'bottom': 'bottom'
124            }
125        )
127        self._final_text: typing.Optional[str] = None
129        self.set_blocking(blocking)

Create a new prompt dialog.

  • rect: The location and bounds of the dialog.
  • action_long_desc: Long string name description of the action the user is taking.
  • manager: The manager in which to register this dialog.
  • window_title: The title to display at the top of the dialog.
  • action_short_name: Short name description of the action the user is taking in the UI.
  • blocking: Flag indicating if the dialog should be blocking other UI interactions.
  • object_id: The Pygame GUI ID to assign to the prompt.
  • visible: Flag indicating if the prompt should start off being visible.
  • action_long_desc_text_kwargs: Localization and long description strings.
def get_text(self) -> str:
131    def get_text(self) -> str:
132        if self._final_text:
133            return self._final_text
134        else:
135            return self._input_box.get_text()
def process_event(self, event: pygame.event.Event) -> bool:
137    def process_event(self, event: pygame.event.Event) -> bool:
138        """Process dialog events.
140        Args:
141            event: The event to process.
142        """
143        consumed_event = super().process_event(event)
145        button_pressed = event.type == pygame_gui._constants.UI_BUTTON_PRESSED
146        if button_pressed:
147            is_cancel = event.ui_element == self._cancel_button
148            is_confirm = event.ui_element == self._confirm_button
149        else:
150            is_cancel = False
151            is_confirm = False
153        if button_pressed and is_cancel:
154            self._final_text = ''
155            self.kill()
157        if button_pressed and is_confirm:
158            # old event - to be removed in 0.8.0
159            event_data = {
160                'user_type': pygame_gui._constants.OldType(
161                    pygame_gui._constants.UI_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG_CONFIRMED
162                ),
163                'ui_element': self,
164                'ui_object_id': self.most_specific_combined_id
165            }
166  , event_data))
167            # new event
168            event_data = {
169                'ui_element': self,
170                'ui_object_id': self.most_specific_combined_id
171            }
173                pygame_gui._constants.UI_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG_CONFIRMED,
174                event_data
175            ))
176            self._final_text = self._input_box.get_text()
177            self.kill()
179        return consumed_event

Process dialog events.

  • event: The event to process.