🖼️ Image preloads for web are now available. Get your images faster! See draw_image for more details.


Creative coding and interactive science everywhere for everyone: web, desktop, mobile, Jupyter, and more. Open source!


The showcase isn't open yet but we are accepting submissions!

Contribute to the showcase

The showcase is an important way to give both Sketchingpy and its community members important visibility. These detailed examples motivate the development of the library and inspire others. That said, submissions need to meet all of the criteria:
  • Publicly available under an open source license. We recommend BSD!
  • Is original work with permission of all authors to submit.
  • Does not violate our Code of Conduct.
  • Is not substantively identical to a prior submission.
The following criteria also typically need to be met:
  • Due to the evolving legal landscape of AI-generated work, generally we cannot currently accept submissions with AI generated code or assets.
  • Generally code will need to be posted to a public repository.
Inclusion is up to discretion of the planning group. We may not be able to accomodate all requests but encourage you to share your work even if it does not quite fit here. Anyway, when you are ready to submit, please open an issue with the following:
  • Authors
  • Description of the showcase item.
  • Link to public repository with the code.
  • Screenshot of the contribution (for non-visual contributions, this can be excluded).
  • Open source license details.
If you need help submitting, please reach out to hello@sketchingpy.org!