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Reference for add_bezier_to

Add a bezier curve to a shape. This is part of the reference section.


Draw a bezier curve from the current position to a new destination which is used as the next "current" position.


Draw a shape which consists of a bezier curve from x of 50 and y of 100 to x of 150 and y of 200 using control points of (60, 110) and (140, 190).
shape = sketch.start_shape(50, 100)
shape.add_bezier_to(60, 110, 140, 190, 150, 200)


  • control_x1: The horizontal location of the first control point.
  • control_y1: The vertical location of the first control point.
  • control_x2: The horizontal location of the second control point.
  • control_y2: The vertical location of the second control point.
  • destination_x: The vertical location of the end coordinate.
  • destination_y: The horizontal location of the end coordinate.



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See also