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Reference for write_csv

Write a list of dictionaries as a CSV file. This is part of the reference section.


Write a CSV file with header row, saving it to local file system or offering it as a download in the browser.


Write a two row CSV file called example.csv.
records = [
{'group': 'a', 'value': 1},
{'group': 'b', 'value': 2}
sketch.get_data_layer().write_csv(records, ['group', 'value'], 'example.csv')


  • records: List of dictionaries to be written.
  • columns: Ordered list of columns to include in the CSV file.
  • path: The location at which the file should be written.



Available for all platforms. On static and app renderers, will interpret path as a local file path using the operating system's conventions. For web, it will interpret path as a filename to use when dowloading the result.

See also