🖼️ Image preloads for web are now available. Get your images faster! See draw_image for more details.


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Reference for push_transform

Save current transformation state. This is part of the reference section.


Save current sketch transformation state to the matrix history. This works as a stack (like a stack of plates) where this puts a new plate on the top of the pile. This will leave the current transformation matrix in the sketch unchanged.


Push and pop the transformation matrix such that things are translated by 50 pixels to the right.
sketch.translate(50, 0)  # Translate 50 pixels to the right
sketch.push_transform()  # Save the current transformation matrix
sketch.translate(50, 0)  # Translate so now 150 (50 + 100) pixels to the right
sketch.pop_transform()  # Restore saved matrix so we are 50 pixels to the right again
sketch.rect(0, 250, 150, 200)  # Draw the rectangle at an offset position of 50, 250.



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See also